Saturday, March 26, 2011

Eating the fridge and the freezer...

No, we are not eating the fridge, but we thought some weeks ago that we really needed to go through the fridge and freezer, and just see what was there.
Scary thought, because you never know just what you'll find! Like plum juice. What did I think we'd need to keep that for?. And there were also those things you part-used and meant to go back and have another meal from.

Then, when you check your own label, (that's if if you've been really good and actually remembered to label it), you discover it has well and truly gone past its use-by date, and then some. And as careful as you are with bread, why is the bottom of the freezer always littered with crumbs??

We did a big check, and a clear out, and have actually had some good meals from some of the finds, and so now the fridges and the freezers are seriously depleted, and can just sit there until we return. We'll even turn one off altogether.

The other thing you have to do, is not buy any more things, especially in the last 2 weeks. Just get what you need from day to day.

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