Sunday, June 5, 2011

Noticing things...

It is probably the same for most countries, but I said to Lee at dinner tonight, that I had noticed more people in the UK who used WALKING STICKS, walking frames, motorised scooters, and/or who had some form of walking aid. I know there is a bigger population here, but every day you see so many.

DOGS. I have never seen so many dogs in my life. Everywhere you go there are people walking dogs, of every description!!! They are allowed on many forms of transport. Hotels and other accommodation places allow them into rooms and lobbies, and everywhere.  They ride on trains, buses, and ferries, and appear in every place we've been, from stately homes to grand gardens, to shopping centres, on most beaches, in all parks that we've seen.
Don't get me wrong, I love dogs, but they seem to dominate peoples lives in so many ways.
As for cats, I think I've seen three!! 
(Cats are OK in their place, they just haven't dug all the places yet!!!) Old joke.

Most small CHILDREN we've seen in hotels and restaurants are extremely well behaved, and when you watch some families, and the way they interact with their kids, it's lovely to see.

QUEUES are something else. Do not try and jump one, and get ahead of everyone else! If you do you will receive glares of the most horrendous kind, and you quietly get back in line. People expect to queue and that's that.

DRIVERS. Whilst the practice is not necessarily restricted to the UK, there are some drivers here who seem to cruise along, thinking that nobody else might be on the road. And when many of these roads are barely wide enough to accommodate one car comfortably, it makes for some pretty hairy situations! Then there are those "roads", which are really small one-lane tracks, through which you have to drive, and the only way you will get past the on-coming driver, is to stop and wait and hope he/she can squeeze past you, or use a passing place. These are no more than small areas to one side of the road into which you can pause, to let someone pass. 

When this country had no more traffic than horses and carts, it might have been enough, but with these tiny villages, you still get trucks driving through them!! 
I am totally surprised we haven't yet lost a side wing mirror.

Also, there is always someone on a bicycle, there is always a young mother pushing a child in a pram, and very sadly, (in most of the bigger towns and cities), there are people sitting around begging and/or drinking from bottles in brown paper bags.

More soon...

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