Wednesday, 20th April - (Catch-up)
We stayed in Loch Scridain (Loch of Trees), overnight, and again it was very calm and still. We have had no feeling at all that we are on a boat, when we go to bed at night. It is usually in a loch or other sheltered place, and there is no rocking back and forth, no sounds except for nature around us.
The sunrise was red and reflected on the water, (around 6.35am), and after breakfast we headed for Ulva.
We ate haggis! Not the steaming, ceremonial cutting open of the haggis in the traditional way, but a slice served along with our breakfast of porridge, poached eggs and bacon. It was really nice, much to the delight of those around us, who it seemed had all had it before. I had come away determined not to have any, but this was just a slice, and fried. It is very tasty, with plenty of flavour, with oats and spices. So there, something else to be ticked off the list!
We then sailed north to Loch Buidhe, which is another smaller loch, but quite beautiful.
On the way there we passed an Emergency Lifeboat, which was headed for Fingal's Cave as there had been an accident with another party of 'cavers', and their boat had been swept into the cave and a number were in the water. We heard later that nobody was seriously injured, but it just shows how difficult the access can be, depending on the conditions at the time.
Dinner was canapes, then Sole wrapped around asparagus, very nice.
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